Disability, laughing through life challenges
Can a laugh challenge outdated views on disability and open up the dialogue on the wonders of life? If you ask Jade and John Reynolds, the answer will likely...
Can a laugh challenge outdated views on disability and open up the dialogue on the wonders of life? If you ask Jade and John Reynolds, the answer will likely...
A few weeks ago, the EU Parliament adopted the proposal to establish a European Disability Card and a European Parking Card. Since this spring, people with disabilities can travel...
Last year, according to estimates, in the UK (where the tradition of gap years is longstanding), between 181 and 185 thousand 18 to 24 years decided to wait to enter university...
Summer may not be the season one would associate with time spent inside, especially probably not seated in a theatre enjoying a live performance. Moreover, plenty of great shows...
Per una donna il desiderio di trasformazione, di crescere attraverso le sfide, di uscire dalla propria area di comfort per acquisire una nuova consapevolezza di sé e una migliore...
Il blu del mare stampato negli occhi, il verde dei prati che colora i pensieri. In questo mondo a colori però se c'è qualcosa di sicuro è il rosso del conto in banca. Rosso Martini, come quelli presi...